I unfortunately have not been giving my camera the amount of attention it deserves lately. Hopefully that will change this weekend when I go home to visit my family for Easter.
Even though I have not been taking as many pictures as I would like, I still wanted to post. I dug into some older files and noticed that I countless pictures of my best friend, Rachel, and I (these three being among some of my favorites).
Rachel and I met in the first grade when I was still living in Maryland. Since then we have been the best of friends. We were inseparable as children, partially due to the fact that we had all but one class together in elementary school. It was wonderful growing up down the street from my best friend. This allowed us to do everything together and caused people to ask us constantly if we were sisters, or even twins. Unfortunately, a move in the eighth grade on my part separated us by many miles which causes us only to see each other maybe once a year or once every two years.
However, the distance has also been a bonus in that every once and awhile one of us gets a little "mini vaca" in order to visit the other. I recently got to see Rachel in Washington D.C. Although it was only for half of a day, I enjoyed seeing where she lived, her school, and hearing about the "happenings" in Burtonsville. Before then, Rachel visited OU. I give her props for coming out in the dead cold and staying in an old dorm room just to visit me for a few days. I really enjoyed sharing the university with her. Some of my fondest memories, however, were just a few years ago when I visited Rachel as a freshman in college. I stayed in her home in D.C. and we visited the museums as well as Ocean City. Ocean City has been a beach where we have spent a lot of time in our younger, pre-teen years for birthdays and youth group trips.
Photographs: All three photographs were taken with simple point and shoot cameras (I believe this one was an HP) and lightly edited with basic photo editing software. The first of the three photographs was taken at Ohio University when Rachel visited our sophomore year. The last two photographs were taken of Rachel at her Maryland home close to three years ago.