I would like to visit each of the cemeteries in Athens. So far, I have walked through three. It may be considered morbid, but I find it to be kind of a worthwhile experience. Each cemetery is unique in its own way. Some are on hills, some on flat land. Some are part of the famous "Athens Pentagram", and some are just lonely bystanders. Some have graves from the 1800's, some more recent. However, I have found that at each of the cemeteries I have visited, at least one grave has an angel.
The significance of the angel on the grave is somewhat foreign to me, as I cannot imagine I would ever place such an ornament on my own grave. The angel (or cherub in some cases) fascinates me not only for their photographic and artistic qualities, but for their messages. Each of these angels means something completely different to the person who was buried there or their family and friends. Some of the angels are frightening and some are peaceful. Some are religious symbols, and others just arbitrary.
The reason they were placed there in the first place has no significance on the following photographs, but I suppose their purpose is still something interesting to ponder about.
Photograph One: This angel is placed on top of a grave in memory of the unknown who are buried there.
Photograph Two: This angel sits in a stone pot next to a grave stone.
Photograph Three: This angel is an ornament made for this particular grave stone. Unlike the other angels I have seen, this one is laying down. Again, noting the change may not be significant.
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