Last night the fire alarms went off in my apartment building at about 3:00 in the morning, right in the middle of a dream that I was having. In the dream was married to a non-pot-smoking Michael Phelps and was expecting. After I went out of the building to make sure there was no fire (which there wasn't) I went back to sleep and ended up having a nightmare about fires. I don't have nightmares that often anymore...at least not as much as I used to when I still watched Forensic Files every day. However, I do have dreams with a lot of re-occurring themes.
There is one thing that happens a lot in my dreams that sticks out in my mind and that is that I lose my teeth a lot. I was curious as to if losing your teeth in your dreams has any significance, so I searched for the potential meaning. This is what I found...
Dreaming of teeth falling out may represent insecurity. These dreams often occur at a time of transition between one phase of life and another. The dream could also highlight your worries about getting older or your sexual attractiveness.
I think dreams are the images from our subconscious. If they really are, then losing my teeth would make sense. I've been told over and over that I'm too insecure. It's true...I do have a lot of insecurities, just like everyone else, but refuse to admit them.
Photograph: This photograph is of my mother. It was taken by a film camera last summer in Covington, KY. I like the effect that the film had on the photograph, because to me, it looks very dream like.
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